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bedroom pop🟊
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related tagsindie pop dream pop lo-fi lo-fi bedroom pop indie bedroom lo-fi pop alternative indie rock bedroom rock pop Β· more

05/2024 Sky Head b/w Anything You Want short β˜… β€” hause plants
alternative indie indie rock post-punk shoegaze dream pop
05/2024 FUNDRAISING SAMPLER '24 β˜… β€”
lo-fi indie rock indie pop shoegaze dream pop bedroom pop [CC BY]
05/2024 FLOG β˜…β˜† β€” the death of pop
pop psychedelic indie pop shoegaze dream pop bedroom pop similar
05/2024 Tom's Place track β˜…β˜† β€” castlebeat
alternative indie synthpop shoegaze dream pop chillwave
05/2024 Echo You Know link #2 β˜…β˜† β€” yohei
rock alternative indie folk indie rock psychedelic similar
05/2024 Dream Girl link #2 β˜… β€” ghost piss
electronic alternative pop punk indie beats similar
05/2024 the mother root link #2 β˜…β˜… β€” harper
alternative indie lo-fi indie rock dream pop bedroom pop similar
05/2024 I've Had A Toothache Since 2019 β˜…β˜…β˜… β€” nicky flowers
electronic lo-fi synthpop bedroom pop NYP
05/2024 Point Nemo β˜…β˜† β€” no windows
rock alternative indie rock shoegaze bedroom pop similar
05/2024 Anthems For A Seventeen Year‐Old Girl short β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† β€” ian sweet
alternative indie rock indie pop bedroom pop dreamy
05/2024 Colour Worn β˜… β€” fine.
pop lo-fi indie rock indie pop alternative rock dream pop NYP
05/2024 Then And Now track β˜…β˜† β€” darksoft
rock alternative indie rock alternative rock dream pop psychedelic rock
05/2024 DISCOURSE ON MISJUDGED UTOPIA β˜… β€” the whimsy angels
experimental hip hop bedroom pop
04/2024 Arguably β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† β€” marc schuster
rock pop indie bedroom pop
04/2024 Overdrive track β˜…β˜…β˜† β€” cathedral bells
rock alternative indie lo-fi synthpop shoegaze
04/2024 a track β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† β€” jesse & the spirit
electronic ambient folk psychedelic trip hop bedroom pop
04/2024 and the Pegagsisters of Fuck β˜… β€” big moose manholington
alternative indie lo-fi bedroom pop anti-folk NYP
04/2024 Love You All the Same short β˜… β€” vansire
pop lo-fi dream pop bedroom pop NYP
04/2024 no place that feels like β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† β€” ellis
alternative indie rock emo dream pop bedroom pop alt pop similar
04/2024 WIZARD'S BLADE β˜… β€” absrdst
hip-hop/rap rap indie pop electronic music bedroom pop
04/2024 maps and flags β˜…β˜… β€” calendar year
experimental alternative indie lo-fi electronica shoegaze NYP similar
04/2024 Easy Way Out track β˜… β€” the mighty project
rock alternative indie indie rock dream pop bedroom pop
04/2024 sun machine β˜… β€” layday 休息ζ—₯
rock alternative indie lo-fi indie rock dream pop
04/2024 ALTAR β˜… β€” alina remains
alternative punk indie lo-fi electronica shoegaze [CC BY-SA] similar
04/2024 Little Wins β˜…β˜† β€” jewelia
pop indie indie pop synthpop bedroom pop alternative pop [CC BY-SA] similar
04/2024 Hanging By A Moment short β˜…β˜…β˜† β€” slow pulp
rock indie lo-fi psychedelic bedroom pop similar
04/2024 TRASH GIRL β˜… β€” mallbat
electronic alternative indie lo-fi indie pop bedroom pop similar
04/2024 The Hour that Turned Blue β˜…β˜…β˜… β€” venus
pop singer-songwriter indie folk bedroom pop folk pop ethereal similar
04/2024 How To Stay Wide Awake β˜…β˜…β˜… β€” seagoth
alternative indie rock indie pop dream pop psychedelic rock bedroom pop similar
04/2024 Waste Management β˜…β˜…β˜† β€” work wife
pop indie pop bedroom pop similar
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